bn Muumuu House | Archive



Abigail Lloyd

Alan Rossi
Delete All
excerpt of Our Last Year

Andrew James Weatherhead
Four Times I've Interacted with Justin Taylor in Real Life
Bret Easton Ellis' First Novel
selected tweets
Things the Photoshop Instructor Said and Did
from Poems from the Dutch
Poem While On Hold with NBA League Pass Customer Support

Anika Jade

Anna Dorn
seven poems
Literally Perfect

Aoko Matsuda
The Jealous Type

Audun Mortensen
eight poems

August Lamm
Have You Tried Mindfulness?

Ben Lerner
excerpt of Leaving the Atocha Station

Big Bruiser Dope Boy
Gay Rodney Dangerfield
A Pick-Up Artist in the Animal Kingdom
The Road Trip With Joey

Blake Butler
selected tweets
Chickens Are Real

Brad Phillips
I Hate Mushrooms
What It Was Like, What Happened, & What It's Like Now

Brandon Scott Gorrell
Clichês vs. Concrete Words

Brian Morton
selected tweets

Cavin Bryce Gonzalez
three stories

Chelsea Martin

Chris Killen
selected tweets
excerpts of In Real Life

Clancy Martin
excerpt of Bad Sex
I Feel Like My Own Life Would Be Better and All Of Their Lives Would Also Be Better

Claudia Apablaza
Gym, Martial Arts, Happy Dance, Zumba, Pilates, Running, Walking, Trekking, Etc.
My Father Seems to Think I'm a Fakir

Danielle Chelosky
The Beautiful, Arid Abyss

David Jones
selected tweets

David Fishkind
selected tweets
A Synonym for "Ask For"

Deb Olin Unferth
La Peña

Don Television

Dylan Nice
A Short Essay on The War

Elisa Gabbert
selected tweets

Elizabeth Ellen
Zac Zellers is The Where's Waldo of Ann Arbor
Period Sex, or, I Have a Bad Habit of Making My Life about the People Who Are No Longer in It
three poems
excerpt of Person/a
Primo Carnera
The Last Time I Saw My Father
two poems

Ellen Kennedy
A Pale White Hamster Yawns In Bed
Norm Macdonald
an uneventful story about a person and a dog in an apartment that the majority of the population would react to by saying 'i don't understand what the point of this is'
Probably Going to Die Alone

Emma Olivia Cohen
Chips, Crumbs

Gabi Abrão
How Materials Break
The Playlist

Gabriela Gorgas

Gene Morgan
selected tweets

Giancarlo DiTrapano
selected tweets

James Purdy
A Chance to Say No

John Haskell
Dream of a Clean Slate

Jordan Castro
selected tweets 2009-10
extremely high in dark ass room
James Franco
it's ok re drugs
selected tweets 2011
six poems
Richard and the Grocer
six stories
seven stories
excerpt of The Novelist

Jon Lindsey
Omens, Portents, Comets

Joseph Moore
i want to drive my car really slowly into the ocean, like a turtle
sketchy moments in 2012 pt 1-3

Katie Frank
The Meditation Center
six poems
Sky Burial
Nobody Wrote These Poems

Katrina Reeves
selected tweets

Kristen Iskandrian
selected tweets
Love is an Arrangement / Love is a Derangement

Lily Arnell
The Birthday Party
The Swan

Ludvig Köhler
four poems

Madeline Cash
Sponge Cake

Mallory Whitten
knife girl
Things I Remember My Great-Grandparents doing
things i remember about a man on a plane
My Experiences on Bath Salts
ball day
why you shouldn't be a high school algebra one teacher
nine poems

Marie Calloway
Adrien Brody

Matthew Davis
An Excerpt From My New Autofiction Novella About a Really Dark Period in My Life
An Excerpt of Let Me Try Again

Matthew Donahoo
Tao Lin's Third Novel
felt extremely self-satisfied while reading about hemingway at work today

Matthew Rohrer
three stories
What Is More Distracting Than Clouds

Maude Apatow
selected tweets

Mazie Louise Montgomery
Synchronized Swimming

Megan Boyle
elevated self esteem as a result of alcohol consumption
Everyone I've Had Sex With
selected tweets
Embarrassing Moments
unpublished tweets
Little Rock
50 lines from selected unpublished blog posts of a mexican panda express employee
excerpt of selected unpublished blog posts of a mexican panda express employee
what xanax makes me feel like
A Small Blue Soldier on the Dashboard of a Car Driving Somewhere
June 8, 2013

Michael Earl Craig
A Gorgeous Hotel, In a Grand City
Who Is He

Michael W. Clune
excerpt of White Out

Miles Ross
selected tweets
Bad Smelling Person in Nautica

Mira Gonzalez
selected tweets
everything i know about the dalai lama
two poems
two poems
selected unedited tweets
July 4, 2013
David Texts Me at Midnight

Miss Unity
I Know Who Killed Me

Myles Zavelo
I'm Begging My Parents for Adderall
The Exorcist

Natalya Malick

Nathan Dragon
three stories

Nathaniel Duggan
Invisible Fences

Nicolette Polek
two stories
Summer Notebook
selected tweets

Noah Cicero
A Cold Wind Blows Tonight
excerpt of Best Behavior
chapters 7-9 of The Insurgent
chapters 1-5 of The Insurgent
Over the Counter Medication
Reality is a Simulation Designed for Music
You Are Important and Can Contribute

Oscar Schwartz
how to write an e book of poetry

Peter Vack
Sillyboi Listens to Future's Dirty Sprite 2

> Precious Okoyomon
two poems
After the world ends white we still have our dreams

Raegaen Bird
Sound Proofing

Rachel Bell
I Don't Know How to Count Sheep

Rachel B. Glaser
Butt Teen
three poems

Rebecca Curtis
The Wolf at The Door

Rebecca Grace Cyr
Casino Sunrise
This Is Water
Meerkat Manor

Riley Quinn Scott
Let's Do This Thing Called Life

Robert McCready
Gloria Naylor's Island

Sam McAlilly
two stories

Sam Cooke
selected intoxicated tweets

Sam Pink
excerpt of Person
Fung Bussy
The Dishwasher
Everyone Wants to Work at the Cloud Factory
excerpt of your glass head against the brick parade of now whats
Jumping Rope

Sarah Gerard
excerpt of True Love

Sheila Heti
The Poet and The Novelist as Roommates
The Girl Who Planted Flowers

Spencer Madsen
selected tweets

Stacey Levine
The Tree
The Dog

Tao Lin
Gmail chat with Zachary German

Tara Wray
Flatbed, Seabed

Theo Thimo
three stories

Timothy Willis Sanders
selected tweets
excerpt of Matt Meets Vik

Todd Hasak-Lowy
The End of Larry's Wallet

Trinie Dalton
Bienvenido el Duende

Giancarlo DiTrapano (1974-2021)

Victoria Trott
the world would be happier with me dead in it
qim drunk
Shoplifting from Urban Outfitters
selected tweets 2012-2013
crack ho
selected tweets 2013-2016

Vincent Chu
Fred from Finance

Wallace Barker
Lake Kemp

Willis Plummer
selected tweets
14 haiku
10,000 Year Clock
three poems from l-theanine

Willy Miwa
two stories

Writers Life Tips
two stories
Heated Political Debate Between Two Friends
Life Fell Apart

Yukiko Motoya
Monkey Story

Yuna Winter
eight poems

Zac Smith
Today Is Totally Fucked 2
Holding Your Breath So You Don't Have to Breathe So Much Sometimes
I'm Not Here to Commit Any Crimes
The Secret
Labor Day BOGO Deal

Zachary German
tonic has a lot of calories, interestingly
lemmings paintball
something bad happened today
fell asleep watching 'election' last night
scoliosis poems

Zans Brady Krohn
My Boyfriend
Will Dan

Zarah Butcher-McGunnigle
They Had a Four-Hour Argument About Salt

Zoe Dubno
Karen's Tote Bag